Who We Are

Vision Publishing, Inc. is a virtual full-service communications firm serving small, medium and large businesses and organizations. We serve businesses selling to businesses and businesses selling to consumers, as well as non-profit organizations and government agencies. We are located west of Boston in Worcester, Mass.


Mel Thompson is the principal of Vision Publishing, Inc. He has been a professional communicator for over 30 years. He has developed and implemented marketing communications plans for technology, professional service, industrial, and health care companies, resellers and wholesalers, as well as public relations plans for non-profit organizations as well as government agencies.

Mel has managed the production of numerous web sites and printed pieces and the staging of many special events and trade shows.  He has bylined and ghost written articles in numerous trade publications. He has acquired databases and developed content for many firms selling to businesses, professionals and consumers. He also issued quarterly earnings releases and written and produced annual reports for a Fortune 1000/Fortune 500 public company.

Mel is a former principal of a full-service business-to-business marketing communications agency, past editor and owner/publisher of a healthcare information service, and the former vice president of direct and interactive communications for a large Boston public relations firm.

Mel has a Master’s in communications from Boston University. He is past president of the Boston Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and past chair of PRSA’s Northeast District. 

He is a past board member of Mentor, Inc. and a current long-time board member of Criterion Child Enrichment, Massachusetts’ second largest provided of early intervention services. He also teaches English composition at a local college.


Our fees are below agency rates and cost-effective for small and medium-sized businesses. 

Client references available upon request


Vision Publishing, Inc.

Address: 17 Westbrook Road, Worcester, MA 01602

Phone: 508-796-5101

Email: mjt@competewithcontent.com