Compete with Content™ is our strategy for engaging prospective decision-makers in competitive business-to-business markets here in Worcester. Content is information of value to prospective and current purchasers (go here for list of examples), and our Compete with Content™ strategy develops and uses that information to interact with prospects/customers and to ...Read More
The Internet raised awareness for the interactive possibilities of content. But under the surface, three marketing and business strategy trends that have been going on for the past decade make now the right time to Compete with Content™. Those three trends are positioning for credibility, relationship marketing and the emergence ...Read More
Respect your niche markets and meet their information needs. Don’t expend your content development resources by generalizing across your markets. Prioritize and develop content specific to each market. Or, you will suffer the same fate as many trade publications. Their generalized content has lost appeal for specialized marketers. Because small ...Read More
Generate awareness, interest and inquiries by merchandising information. Use direct advertising and direct mail to attract prospects to content related to your product or service. The direct responses will begin two-way communications and the sales track. The developer of a knowledge engineering methodology markets seminars on its expertise to engage ...Read More